Bsides Pakistan – Cybersecurity for the masses
Bsides Pakistan is Pakistan’s largest community of Hackers, Computer Enthusiasts, Tinkerers, all around nerds, focused on cultivating passion for technology all over. It’s a place for the curious, It’s a place for the misfits. From skills workshops, hangout sessions to meetups and Capture the Flag competitions, we do all of that here.

Front page of Bsides Pakistan Discord server listing out some of the do’s and don’ts
Get Skilled and seek Mentoring
At Bsides Pakistan, we talk about all that is to cyberesecurity – from the red and blue pills diving to specific field to general career discussions, training, certs, labs and most of all – nerd zone.
Have questions? Head to career-discussion.
Have beefy hardware to show? Head to home-lab
There is something for everyone

Chill Zone
Now, we understand that you can’t Hack all the time. Hackers need to relax sometimes and that’s where our entertainment channels come in. For anyone wanting to entertain or be entertained, this space is for you. Throw in all the tech memes you’ve been hoarding all this time to spread the laugh.
Gamers, Memers, Chatters, Everyone’s equally welcome here.

Monthly Hackthebox Meetups
As an official partner of Hackthebox, we host monthly meetups where the community gathers around our digital Auditorium to experience fun machines and challenges HTB has to offer with a guided and interactive walk-through and live Q&A which is followed by a casual chit-chat session and a giveaway afterwards

Gupshup Talks
Gupshup Talks – our flagship event where we call upon the local industry professionals to share their insights in a casual way with the community so beginners could learn from their experiences and get to have a better perspective on the cybersecurity industry as a whole.
Our guests come from diverse backgrounds with different experiences to share with our community including big names like SANS, Offsec and Hackthebox to name a few.
Gupshup Talks provide community members an opportunity to directly interact with the guests and ask about their advice or answers to their burning questions. That’s also how they can stay current on the industry trends.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- A platform to lose your social enxiety
- Networking opportunities with industry professionals
- Collaboration and partnership possibilities
- Exclusive events, walk-throughs, webinars and giveaways
- Insights from industry leaders
- Resources, tools, and best practices to enhance your skills
- Access to our vibrant online community and discussions